Best Films Of 2014
2014 was a great year when talking about films. We had some we all knew would be awesome - Days Of Future Past -, some we weren't too sure about but turned out great - Winter Soldier - and some we really had no hope whatsoever but surprised us - Guardians Of The Galaxy-, so, let me talk you trough some of my personal favourites.
During the first Trimester of the year, we had awesome films released such as "Boyhood", "The Lego Movie", and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier". When I first watched the Lego film, it didn't hit me, apart from the fact that the song got stuck in my mind, but after a while - somehow - it just grew on me, and now it's definitely one of favourites of the year. But even after that, The Winter Soldier is still the best film from this first trimester, actually it is the best film from this entire year. Marvel Studios just took the film to brand new level. Captain America - just like Superman - is one of those superheroes who may not please most people, since they have the 'perfect superhero' stereotype. But Chris Evans did an amazing performance, one of his best so far. Not to mention his great chemistry with Scarlett Johasson, they form a perfect duo. The film has a outstanding script and plot, and together with the the perfect cast and their spectacular performances, this film just levelled up the entire Captain America franchise. Films like "Noah" and "Pompeii" were also released on the beginning of the year. I personally didn't like Noah, but Pompeii was OK, not a masterpiece, but alright. It's entertaining yet something about it just didn't seem right, it might have to do with the fact that I didn't like the female lead, but it's watchable. As much as I would love to ignore, there were also a few disappointments as the year started, the remake of "Robocop" just didn't get it right. And "Divergent" took poorly constructed romance to whole new level, not to mention it's lame main male character.
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We started the second trimester with "The Amazing Siper-Man 2", that I did enjoy if I'm honest, even though it is not the best film ever, unfortunately it has a poorly written script and just out-of-nowhere villains. But it has the best Peter Parker and Spider-Man EVER, Andrew Garfield's performance it just absolutely outstanding and breath-taking, also the romance it's amazingly written and represented; Peter and Gwen could literally kick Tris and Four's romance in the butt. Then we had "Godzilla" and let's just say one thing about it: bleh. So, after that we had the last of May to bless us with awesomeness. Starting with "X-Men: Days Of Future Past", "The Fault In Our Stars", "Blended" and "Maleficent". X-men was great, like expected, I mean, when you have two sets of FREAKING awesome actors to play the main characters, it can't go wrong really. Sir Ian McKellen and Micheal Fassbender give their all in playing Magneto, and what a performance! And there is obviously Sir Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy being the best Charles Xavier there is. Not to mention we have Jennifer Lawrence being the marvellous actress she is, and giving Raven's character a billion more layers. And last but not least, the best scene of the year comes from this film, and let's just say it includes one called Evan Peters ;). The Fault In Our Star was a cute little romance film, and Blended, that was supposed to be just one-of-those-Adam-Sendler's-films actually stood out. It's theme was just great and I loved seen Drew Barrymore and Adam Sendler together in a film again. And to finish the month we had Angelina Jolie's Maleficent, that was really everything it promised it would be. At the end of this trimester we had "22 Jump Street" and "Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes", two awesome films, in it's respective genres. The first one is a great comedy, Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill's friednship is great and just makes the film a whole lot better. And the Planet Of The Apes is a great action film.
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We're into the third trimester and we have the most unexpected success of the year, "Guardians Of The Galaxy". I really thought Marvel had hit it's maximum on The Winter Soldier, but Goodness, I was wrong. With Guardians, Marvel just showed the world they can make any film, and it I'll be good. Seriously though, if Marvel makes a film about poop, I'll go watch it, and guess what? It'll probably be really good. I still can't believe a film in which two main characters are a tree and a raccoon worked out this well. Not just well, marvellous. It is a film of which no one knew about, not famous at all, yet it managed to be the second highest-grossing film of 2014. All I can say is: Congratulations Marvel Studios. Next on we had "Hercules" and "Lucy", both good, I have a few problems with Lucy, but it's a nice and entertaining film. Then "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" was released, and I know many, many, many people disliked it, but I did like it! It's fun. I mean, it's not a masterpiece or anything, but seriously the thing is called TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, what did you expect? Anyway, we finish this set of months with "If I Stay" and "The Maze Runner" both aimed to teenagers, and they are actually both really cool films. One is a nice little romance and the other an awesome adventure.
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In the last trimester we had the only worth-watching horror film of this year, "Annabelle". I was quite scared if I'm honest, but to be fair, I'm scared of mainly everything, so... Yeah. Then we had my favourite film of 2014, "Gone Girl". Ben Affleck, is really a person you either love, or hate. And if you hate you probably didn't even watch the film. But if you love him, like I do, you watched it, and loved it. I wouldn't say it has a plot twist, since I would call it a proper twist, but it shows you different views of the same subject. I like the way they portrait both main characters. Ben Affleck's character is quite interesting, but let's be real, Rosamund Pike's character steals the scene every time. I didn't even know who she was until this film came out, I actually thought she was Carey Mullingan or Emily VanCamp. She is a hell of an actress, that's all I can say. I look forward to watching many more films starring her. The year kept going with "Big Hero 6", that happens to be Marvel and Disney's first collaboration. And guess what? It rocks. I mean, Marvel + Disney, what in the mother-loving world could go wrong? Then "Exodus" and "Interstellar" were released both pretty good, acting and cast on point. And to finish it up, two big films: "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1" and "The Hobbit: The battle of the Five Armies". Here we have the beginning of the end of the Hunger Games franchise, nice little film, nothing too special, but acting just absolutely amazing. Having the combo: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Natalie Dormer on one film, is absolutely to-cry-for. And last but not least we have the final film to the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings franchise. I found the film to be quite a nice ending to this marvellous franchise we got to experience throughout all those years. It has a "goodbye" feel to it, and I just think, it is exactly what it needed. It has quite a few script errors, but overall it's just great.
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